International Survey Research (ISR)

5 5 5 5 5

Страна: Россия

Сфера деятельности: Бизнес

ISR is a leading international employee-research consultancy with offices and clients 
around the world. We are a part of a Towers Perrin Group and are a leading management 
HR consultancy in the world.
Our Consultants are responsible for building and managing client relationships, identifying their 
needs and tailoring our services accordingly. We offer you the opportunity to work closely with an international client base in a challenging, supportive, multi-cultural work environment. 

положительный отзыв о компании International Survey Research (ISR)

5 5 5 5 5
Положительные стороны

по-человечески относятся к проблемам!)Нет контроля времени))Полноценный отпуск.Можно быстро добираться до офиса

Отрицательные стороны

не обнаружил

  • 2013-12-18 16:53:05 5 84
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