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Страна: Россия

Сфера деятельности: Бизнес

The main goal of "J-Soft" JSC is to develop the top-quality software and IT services you need. We provide finest software development services, computer graphics, internet programming, web design, web hosting and LAN engineering based on cutting-edge technologies and advanced quality assurance process.

"J-Soft" works with all kinds of customer requirements ranging from general target setting to detailed specifications. You'll be satisfied with the visibility of development process and we hope you'll be back more than once.

"J-Soft" officially operates on the world IT market since 2000 when it was established company by a few groups of well-experienced IT professionals. Today, we are proud to have a strong team of professionals that satisfy the highest standards of the modern IT market.

положительный отзыв о компании J-Soft

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Положительные стороны

уважительное отношение к людям, Очень крутые люди, Мед страховка покрывает много клиник, Вся зарплата выплачивается на карточку, Компенсируется неиспользованный отпуск

Отрицательные стороны

Не развиваешься профессионально:(Без связей не продвинешься

  • 2013-12-18 17:30:24 5 83
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