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Страна: Россия

Сфера деятельности: Бизнес

The DDI Development team will provide you with a professional service in areas such as the development of web-applications and web services.

We’ll deploy our knowledge of the most popular and efficient frameworks such as PHP/Symfony, Ruby/Rails and Python/Django to ensure you have the right solution.

Our team consists of seven highly skilled and experienced specialists, some of them are PhD. Our aim is to develop and deliver web-based systems, built to excellent standards, whilst adhering to deadlines and remaining cost effective.

Do you need a beautiful website to present and showcase yourself?

Do you need a powerful web service with the added dimension of accommodating social networks?

Do you need a system capable of managing high-loads, yet based on a simple solution?

Do you have a nice idea which belongs in the global network?

If the answer to any of the above is yes. We would be happy to help you make it a reality!

положительный отзыв о компании DDI-development

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Положительные стороны

Очень крутые люди.Оплачивается тренажерный зал.Иногда приходится перерабатывать и это компенсируется)Удобно добираться на работу

Отрицательные стороны

Для повышения должно пройти много времениРедко платят зп вовремя!((

  • 2014-02-14 19:30:03 5 323
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