International Student Exchange

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Страна: Россия

Сфера деятельности: Бизнес

SE was founded in 1982. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing people of the world closer together through student exchange and intercultural education.

ISE accepts highly qualified and well-screened students from over 55 countries around the world.

Based on the materials submitted by ISE and reviewed by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET), an independent national educational organization founded in 1984, ISE has been granted a listing every year. In 2009, ASA International, DM Discoveries, and INTO Ed Ventures were merged with ISE. Indicative of its high level of professionalism and respect within the foreign exchange industry, ISE is designated by the Department of State as an official sponsor of the Exchange Visitor Program.

ISE is headquartered on Long Island, 60 minutes from Manhattan. Forty-four fully staffed Regional Offices are strategically located in the United States. ISE cooperates with over 100 independent foreign agencies in over 45 countries around the world for the recruitment and placement of students in American homes.

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бесплатный кофе.бонусы за переработкиВсегда дают отпуск, когда просишьСвоевременные выплаты зарплаты!!Нет проблем с оплатой больничных!

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недостатков не нашел

  • 2014-02-14 04:26:20 5 358
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